Brood-X is what they were called.  Giant cicadas with evil red eyes.  They
hatch every seven years or so and make a terrific noise (not unlike some
early UR records).

I'm talking about the insects - not the girl of course.


             Benoît Pueyo                                            
             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                         
   >                                               To
             06/11/05 08:05 AM                                          cc
                                       Re: (313) newbie says hello     

I havent still found that girl i met when i played in New Jersey last
year, and told me she was from the list ... She was so scared about
these weird insects invading the places each 7 years or so ...


Garrett McGrath a écrit :
> Oh sht??? Benoit found us
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benoît Pueyo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 08 Jun 2005 19:14:39
> Subject: Re: (313) newbie says hello
> Hello
> Im newbie on the list aswell... Been long ive heard of the list but
> never subscribed, i guess I need some new sources of fresh information !
> cheers

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