>>The best "celebrity" DJ I ever saw play was actor Alex Dimitriades, big
> Detroit head, >and actually v, v, v good DJ.
> I am sorry but this is just too much for my tiny brain to comprehend...where
> / when did you see him DJ ? ? ? does he play out often ? ? ?

I didn't know he DJed but I know he was bigtime into Derrick May and then I
saw him play at Honkytonks once and he was excellent. It wasn't promoted as
Alex Dimitriades but someone at the club tipped me off so I was curious.

>>He definitely had some good records in his crate. I've unintentionally
> bought quite a >few of his second hand records before.
> what did you buy dave ? ? ? ? did you buy them from him personally ? ? ? or
> did they just have his name on them from a shop ? ? ?
> not that I'm obsessed with him or anything ! ! ! !

Ha, ha, but plenty are! He was the Aussie hearthrob at one stage, more so
than Heath Ledger, etc. 

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