Thought Id hit the list with my report of the Moodymann show at the Jazz Cafe last night.

Basically blew me away, really enjoyed it. Started off with Piranahhead playing keyboard and singing through a couple of nice jazzy numbers before he got up and did a little guitar solo. At this point the sound system seemed to be a little quiet, plus the bar chatter was drowning him out so I moved into the center where the sound was much better. Then Moody came on as his drunk P Funked out alter ego with a fake beer belly, blonde plaited hair and a hairnet over one side of his head. All very funny. He then introduced Lisa O who came on sounding and looking much like Erikah Badu and belted out a few really soulful numbers that really got the crowd going. Next up Moody introduced Paul Randolph who sang and played guitar. First track was a really nice jazz funkesque track, then it started getting a little more housey before he settled down for a couple of slower tracks that he did with Kirk Degorgio and (I think) are going to be on the upcoming As One album. He finished off with a track on Ubiquity he did with John Arnold that simply rocked. Then it was time for the main man and the amazing freaky motherfu*ker track, its the first time Ive ever heard it and man, what a track. The bassline and percussion sent shivers down my spine and combined with Moody silohetted behind a white screen growling into the mic whilst Lisa O danced in the tightest pair of hot pants Ive ever seen in a sort of homage to the Prince Kiss video, I think it was probably the highlight of the show. Eventually he got the crowd baying 'Moody' in an attempt to entice him out on stage, to which he obliged and came out and performed a couple of more tracks with the whole band on stage. Eventually he handed the stage over to Roberta Swann who came on and belted a few Jazz numbers sounding very much like Shirley Bassey.

Overall the band spanned the spectrum of funk, disco, soul and house with an almost Parliment like showmanship. Top top night.

ps. are there any mixes online with the freaky motherfu*ker track that anyone knows of?


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