i have a model called "Protac Pianissimo" -15 dB .. After some Google search its the French name for this model


They are so comfortable and have a really nice frequency response, though it seems from a percepetion side (ie not only what arrives in my ear) thetreebles sound a bit attenuated.

Ive noticed that at Sonar this week end, where the big sound systems had really powerful bass. You could feel them quite as loud as without earplugs, as they were making your whole body vibrating, while meds and treebles were attenuated by the earplugs.

But well obviously these things make me so comfortable in parties...

With your post i feel quite unsure about the fact they are not enough to preserve me from alteration of my hearing abilities... Dunno if somebody has a good answer for that.


Hey all, It seems like a lot of folx on this list have been going for a long time and some of yous are producers, so I suspect that people care about hearing. I have a pair of these (http://www.hearnet.com/shop/index.shtml)and a couple of different filters 15 &20s but in Detroit at the festival I was still experiencing ringing after the festival volumes. What do people do about the length of time and level of volumes that they are exposed to -- to preserve your hearing? It is worth checking out this site for rockers, http://www.hearnet.com/at_risk/risk_at_risk.shtml. I am interested in what people do? tom

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