Hey UK headz.

Got an event coming up (well 4 actually but this one in particular!) which I
thought I'd let you know about as, as much as I'm shamelessly pubicising it,
I thought it make make a nice meet up later in the summer that people might
be up for.

It's on August the 20th, it's in Cumbria and it's our annual camping trip
involving a walk in the country (optional), a meal at a local pub and a
party in a village hall.

One or two list members came along last year and I think will vouch for what
a nice time it is.  This year we have guests Rob Bright of Bugged Out at the
village hall and our own Alex Bond on Balearic warm up duty at the pub.

You can check the details at our site www.thatamazingthing.com, just thought
I'd put it on your radars a couple of months in advance as I do think it
might be a nice do to meet up and have a chin wag or rave (which ever seems
most appealing) at.  Any queries drop me a line but I'll be away at Synch
from tomorrow until 11th July (3 days festival, 6 recovery on a Greek
island!) so answers may take a couple of weeks.


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