----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Stewart Caig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 01, 2005 5:16 PM
Subject: Re: (313) the meaning of...life in general

>> Hmpf! 23 is all about the hippies ov gaia
>> 42 is all about /. nerds....
> Whats the actual deal with the number 23. I remember people banging on about
> it being the number for chaos and stuff when i used to go to the odd Spiral
> party and quite a few people there had a bit of a thing for it. In fact I
> seem to remember one of the old Spiral Tribe 12s had a big 23 on the sleeve
> as well. Always just thought it was a bunch of old ass myself but still
> moderatly intrigued to know what its all about

It's a bunch of numerological rubbish about 2 and 3 adding up to five and the 
mystical properties of five-sided objects, etc (rubbish b/c you'll see what you 
look for)... or not, depending on who you ask. People have spent a considerable 
amount of time coming up with this stuff though, I will definitely give them 

This is the top result on Google for 'meaning of 23': 

Jordan and Beckham do present a strong case as well. :) 

Aso, it was the 23rd anniversary of the release of Shari Vari last year, and 
2004 was a very good year for techno. Umm... I think I just convinced myself! 

I suppose I should read more Alister Crowley before I completely poop on this 
stuff though. I could be missing out on untold power. It's kind of like John 
Stuart Mill's argument for Christianity. Ascent to the religion that offers the 
greatest reward, b/c if it happens to be right, you're minted. That's a 
philosophy I can get wit. 

Oh, and I have four good friends that were born on April 23. 


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