
We would like to announce *Laks Mix* - our very first *promotional CD of Laks Recordings*. The CD is compiled by Laks Recordings boss, Ilmar Kerm and contains a variety of Laks Recordings productions in a continuous DJ-mix.

We will very much appreciate your comments or questions on the tracks, the mix, or whatever pops into your mind. If you would like to share your opinion or ask us a question, please e-mail us at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

We hope you like our Music!

Listen the mix: http://laks.myurbansoul.com/promomix4.mp3
Tracklisting: http://www.myurbansoul.com/djs/index.php?dj=4&mix=34#34 <http://www.myurbansoul.com/djs/index.php?dj=4&mix=34#34>
Discogs: http://www.discogs.com/release/467691

Laks Recordings Web: http://www.laksrecordings.com

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