Wow, this email just made my geek-o-meter go off the scale!

On 6 Jul, 2005, at 7:50 PM, Greg Earle wrote:

As if Pink Floyd reforming for Live 8 (amazingly so, too -
watch the video on AOLMusic.COM if you don't believe me)
wasn't enough ...

Yesterday marked a major landmark in the history of (313).

I don't know what 313 list owner God is responsible for this
4th of July miracle (well ... 5th of July actually), but I'd
like to thank him/her/them profusely.

Yesterday morning at 5:26 AM PDT, this 313 Digest arrived:

        313 Digest 5 Jul 2005 12:26:09 -0000 Issue 2648

It looked like any other, like the thousands of other (313)
Digests that have preceded it, with this in the header:

        Mime-Version:   1.0
        Content-Type:   text/plain; charset=us-ascii

But sometime between 5:26 AM and 2:03 PM yesterday, someone
flicked the magic switch, and the next Digest (and the 2
that have come in since) have magically become

        313 Digest 5 Jul 2005 21:02:30 -0000 Issue 2649

        Mime-Version:   1.0
Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="=_isolar-16320-1120597404-0001-2"

And now each message in the Digest comes with the Content-Type
boundary string and something like the following:

        Content-Type: message/rfc822
        Content-Disposition: inline; filename="313_77141.ezm"

In other words ...


Enough of the techno-mumble-jumble, Greg.  What Does It All
Mean, Mr. Natural?  It means ...

 - No more raw quoted-printable text in Digests!  Goodbye to
   the "=3D"s and "=20"s and "=0D"s and "=0A"s of messages like

        From: "Tristan Watkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        CC: <>
        Subject: Re: (313) the meaning in general

----- Original Message ----- =0D=0AFrom: "Stewart Caig" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=0D=0ATo: "313" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>=0D=0ASent: Friday, Ju= ly 01, 2005 5:16 PM=0D=0ASubject: Re: (313) the meaning in general=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A>> Hmpf! 23 is all about the hippies ov gaia=0D=0A>> 42 =

 - No more mangled raw HTML!  Goodbye to things like

        From: "John Sokolowski" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Subject: RE: (313) UR live @ Fuse-In ID

<html><div style='background-color:'><P class=RTE>Yes! I was wondering what this was as well? It does sound familiar. Anyone?</P>

 - No more raw base64 encodings from Ian Cheshire!  (Actually I
   think Ian got himself sorted already a few months' back  :) )

Needless to say, I am happier than a (Pink Floyd) pig in sh!te ...

Big ups to whomever is responsible for this changeover - it has
made me a VERY happy (313) Digest reader :)


        - Greg

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