Los Hermanos album- I nkow it got mentioned a bit but I would have though it would have caused more of a fuss- either good or bad!

New John Tejada album

Brian Aneurysm on Spectral

Shawn Rudiman's last one on Sound Architecture (the closest he's come to replicating his great live sets on vinyl so far)

That Isolee triple album on Playhouse- talk about ecelctic!

The Tsunami benefit album with Luciano, Guido Schneider, Dirt Crew etc- some strong tracks and defintely not just cobbled together out of tracks they had lying around.

Loads of new Pure Plastic stufff including an excellent Autechre remix on the new Mark Broom EP

Abe Duque's return to form with Acid maria

etc etc etc

There's LOADS of good music out there but it doesn't seem to get mentioned too much on the list these days- not saying none of these records above (or the others I posted earlier) haven't been mentioned in passing but a lot of the conversations recently seem to have been much more about the format, production or legality (bootlegs etc) of the product rather than the actual MUSIC. I'm defintely not having a go at anyone in particular but a lot of the time over the last year or so, the list just feels like the domain of a few people who sit in front of computers at their work all day and are a bit bored by their job- I DON"T have a problem with that but (in my eyes) their is a huge variety of good new music out there at the moment and it isn't being talked about here anymore- or is it just me ??? :)


Jason (on a day off and sitting on a computer all day posting to 313- what a saddo!)

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