Hey Les.
Yes - I bought a script when it first came out. A friend of mine knows the 
editor and tipped me off a few years back. It was pretty nice while it 
lasted...which was, as I recall, 2 issues. Both had nice CDs along with a 
glossy text. If there any more, I never got them.
I know that I was sent a few CDs by the editor to 'tide me over' while I waited 
for the next issue, which was long overdue (read: it hasn't arrived yet).
Nice concept, nice execution when it was executed. Maybe something is in the 
works. I'll email my friend (who may be lurking on idm-l) and check. Last I 
heard, he hadn't heard from him in a very long time, either. Truthfully, I had 
forgotten about it for the past year or so.


> Anyone here familiar with this:
> http://www.virtu.tv/site/ 
> I stumbled across a link from Herbert's site (thanks for the Crunch Time
> link earlier!) so I went and poked around.  Interesting track selection but
> much of the collection seems pretty dated (still great tracks, just not
> "late-breaking."
> Does anyone own it?  Is the written information useful?  
> Does anyone know anything about the company doing it?  Are they reputable?
> I ask because it's a subscription based service and I'm nervous about the
> fact that this is supposedly their "premiere" issue but the website has 2003
> copyrights all over it.
> It kind of reminds me of the old "Trance Europe Express" magazines...
> Leslie

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