For anybody that was attending TO or Montreal techno jams around 2000-2003
they may remember that Greg Smith (aka ether.mann) and Neil Wiernik (aka
naw) did a series of events under the name clonk. Now that we are both
back in TO again we've decided to revive the project out of stasis and
mutated clonk into not only an event promotion entity, but a new online
digital arts journal

Vague terrain will be a quarterly web-journal showcasing work from various
Canadian and International artists, musicians, and writers. Our intent is
to stake a unique claim which will sample the focus and methodologies of
academic and art journals while commissioning parallel excursions into the
sonic realm. Content will consist of a mixture of visual art, audio, and
text curated by Neil-Wiernik and Greg Smith. On occasion guest curators
will be invited to select content for vague terrain.

The first version of will be launched in the fall of
2005. As a homage to our origins as one of the first Canadian promotional
outfits pushing
 techno our first issue will be dedicated to an exploration of digital
detritus. The digital refuse and artifacts we find ourselves immersed in
at the dawn of this new century will serve as both the content and the
means of production for a handful of invited artists. Anticipated themes
include feedback, decay, (mis)translation, and fragmentation.

We will also be promoting a few small events in the coming months in TO go
to link for more info about that.

For anybody that wasn't around TO or Montreal when we were promoting as

Over the course of 2000-2003 clonk hosted events in Toronto and Montreal
promoting a diverse range of artists including Akufen, Crackhaus,
Deadbeat, Jeff Milligan, Monolake, Kero, Kit Clayton, Rechenzenstrum,
Scion & Tikiman, Sutekh, and Tomas Jirku as well as countless other
significant Canadian producers & DJ's.

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