Cyclone Wehner wrote:

Has anyone seen this sci-fi movie? I know it was shot in Detroit and from the promo clips I've seen Detroit features quite prominently (albeit no
Belle Isle)? Is it any good? ;)

My wife and I went because there wasn't much out and we wanted to see a movie she hadn't seen - I rarely get to go to movies, so what the hey. The acting was decent (Obi Wan, Boromir and Steve Buscemi!), and it had an interesting premise. Can't recall, but I think it's a Michael Bay film. Lots of action sequences. What I found fun was the way the action sequences were shot (nice cinematography). The best way I can describe it is that instead of focusing the flight of the cars in the air in the obligatory 'cars flying through the air' scenes - which are ubiquitous in action films these days - there was a lot of up-in-it focus on the crash down in that sort of "you are there in the middle of it" crazed confusion/movement which reminded me of Ridley Scott's battle scenes in "Gladiator". The problem in most films of this ilk is that it's easy to tell who the expendables are pretty quickly and also how things are going to turn out. I wouldn't beat a path to the theater for it, but I wasn't angry I'd seen it or anything. I'd say it will fare better on the big screen than it does as a rental. It all depends on if you like futuristic action films, I guess. Not a bad ride, all said.

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