Well, the one thing that I can say is that if you have the Jeff Mills mispress, then you would know. The Jeff Mills disc is at a different speed, then the Hood disk, and the it's like night and day musically.Hood side is softer minimal and bleepy at times and the
Mills side is pretty agressive/harsh stuff. If you can't tell which disc
is Jeff and which disk is Rob, then you probably should give up the copy to someone who can :)

I remember when we got them in my shop out here when it first came out and we all looked at each other after listening and said can this be right and figured It's got to be a mispress. Wish I had actually picked up a copy
of the non-mispress as I would like to have the other tracks.

If I run across my copy, I'll make some quick mp3's, but not sure how soon that will be... so maybe someone else
will beat me to it.



Derek Plaslaiko. wrote:

sorry for the delayed reply.

i havent checked those threads out cuz im in chicago right now. but, what i was mostly saying is that it would be nice to have sound clips OF the mispressed tracks, and the PROPER minimal nation. so everyone knows for sure which they have!


On Thu, 18 Aug 2005, Placid wrote:

i put a thread up on discogs the other day about this... enquiring about a 5 track promo a friend of mine has with hand written robert hood minimal nation on it...cat # AX XA and AX XB.....

any thoughts...


Derek Plaslaiko. wrote:

over the years, ive aquired a few copies here and there. not all of them are identical. and i know some of you guys would have the proper solution
 to this.

can we outline all the mispresses, with sound samples and track names? not so much full encodes or anything like that. just a page (that i can even host) that has 8 clips that would be the ACTUAL minimal nation, and then
 the 2 (or more...?) mispresses, with clips, and id's as to what the
 mispresses are?

 or maybe this has been done?


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