
> ---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
> From: "Odeluga, Ken" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I agree with Greg. Tom, this is a mailing list about music. No one's
>>f***** with you.
> okay, last week i post what i think about people getting sampled.
> the response was "youre so f*cking disrespectful." this week i
> post my opinion on how to keep people from taking an mp3 file that
> somebody doesnt want anyone to have, and i get someone getting
> their verbal jabs in about a completely unrelated topic. any
> argument ive had in the past with that guy "/0" or whatever his
> thing is usually started with me offering an opinion on music and
> getting a personal attack in return. and i respond to personal
> attacks the way i would any other time.

I could care less who is who, or what is what, but can't you see that the
majority (or dare I say it, the VAST majority) of squabbles on this list
contain you?  Seriously.  This list *IS* about music, and you seem to
think that any opinion different than yours is a personal attack on you.
That is your deficiency, not the list's or other listmembers'.
Personally, I could care less about whatever you sqaubble about, but the
endless tirades the you continue to take to the public side of this list
are bringing down the quality of the entire list.  No, it's not your words
that bring down the quality, it's the meaningless mails that create apathy
towards the list.  Some of the senior members of the list just have better
things to do than listen to your relentless battles about how you are this
or that or whatever else.  They unsub, and the experience of everyone
decreases, all because you have a gigantic chip that is immovable.
Please.  I don't know you from Adam, and I don't dislike you, nor have I
said anything worthy of a personal attack towards you.  Just let these
things go, and let us talk about our music...  or lack thereof...


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