Police Raid Outdoor Music Event
by Parker Pinette Monday August 22, 2005 at 04:30 AM

Numerous accounts from attendees of an outdoor electronic music event in Utah 
county indicate excessive force used by Sherrif and SWAT officers. A video has 
surfaced depicting officers dressed in full military fatigues raiding the main 
stage of the event. Local news stations side with police in initial reports.

Attendees of the outdoor electronic music event dubbed "Versus II" taking place 
the evening of Saturday, August 20th in the Diamond Fork area of Spanish Fork 
Canyon in Utah County arrived at the event with confidence that the concert 
organizers had obtained the proper permits and legal clearance to hold the 
event. Personal accounts available at the local electronic community 
websiteutrave.org paint a scene of police brutality and mayhem, many accounts 
bearing eyewitness to the forceful arrest of young girls.

Reports state that at approximately 11:30pm upwards of 90 officers, many 
wearing full camouflage gear, gathered from Sherrif and SWAT departments in 
surrounding areas stormed the previously peaceful gathering dedicated to music 
and dance. At least 1 helicopter was dispatched, along with large tranport 
vehicles designated for both officers and detainees. Numerous statements from 
attendees indicate excessive force being exerted by many officers. Inuries 
including mild to severe bruises and cuts have been reported by party goers as 
young as age 17. 

The Utah County Sherrif's Office has expressed a long term vendetta against 
what they call "Rave" parties. Statements from the Sherrif's office as well as 
eyewitness accounts make it clear that this was a premeditated attack on the 
promoters and community supporting these events. While the Sherrif's office has 
stated that many drugs and pieces of paraphernalia were obtained, they fail to 
note how many of the 60+ citations were for drug violations. Many accounts 
indicate the majority of citations and arrests were for resisting arrest. The 
Sherrif's office states that the party was raided on the grounds of failure to 
obtain a mass gathering permit for an event hosting more than 250 attendees. 
Reports vary as to the number in attendance, estimation ranging from 250 to 
1,400. Controversy exists as to whether a mass gathering permit was actually 
obtained, however, a Health Department permit was obtained, and hired security 
and emergency medical service personnel were on site.

Many eyewitness accounts indicate that officers singled out party goers 
attempting to document the events on camcorders, cameras and camera phones. 
Victims have claimed that officers knocked cameras out of the hands of the 
owner, even confiscating some. Luckily, one video has surfaced, and is quickly 
spreading across the internet, as well as being featured by at least one local 
news station. The video clearly displays a large number of officers dressed in 
full camouflage fatigues, some brandishing rifles. In the higher quality 
version of the video, which includes sound, it is apparent that the use of a 
taser was employed. While the video is somewhat unclear at times, the viewer 
can plainly see an officer atop a young girl fully subdued on the ground on her 
stomach; he swings on her at least twice, as more officers rush forward to 
manhandle the girl. It is clear that many others were subdued using similar 
levels of force.

Initial reports from local news stations side with the Sherrif's Office, one 
anchor calling the event a "drug party" without batting an eye. Reports tend to 
focus on the drugs and paraphernalia acquired by police, rather than the 
obvious violation of civil liberties reported by those in attendance and 
depicted by the amateur video, which has been provided to all major local news 

Surprisingly, the local Fox News affiliate Fox 13 seemed to give the most 
unbiased report, stating that many attendees had reported excessive force, as 
well as showing the official media response from the Utah County Sherrif's 
Office. Clips of the previously mentioned video were also shown.

Other news agencies have gone along with the Sherrif's Office in painting a 
picture of drugs, guns, and sexual assault running rampant at electronic music 
events in general, and especially this one. KUTV Channel 2 News blatantly 
inferred that the hired security was merely in place to prevent the sale of 
drugs by anyone but the event organizers. All major reports restate the claim 
made by the Sherrif's department that a 17-year-old girl was found by officers 
to have overdosed on ecstasy, treated on site, then released to her parents.

Many attendees and members of the electronic music and dance community are 
organizing lawsuits against the Sherrif's Office. The ACLU has been contacted 
as well as many organizations dedicated to educating and protecting the 
electronic music community. Vigilant party goers are compiling evidence, 
including video and pictures of the event, as well as personal accounts and 
documentation of injuries inflicted by law enforcement.

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