I tell you what, I need to make a list with all this good house music
coming out right now.

I said (in my over-speculative fashion) a few years ago that house was
like wine, you get really good years, then you get mediocre-to-bad
years. I believe that theory at the moment - and this is a good year.
Keep the recommendations coming please!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 25 August 2005 16:47
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: Re: (313) Larry Heard Loosefingers LP out

>did you listen to it? i ordered it so it should be in tomorrow, i
>just couldnt pass it up even on CD after how hot those 2
>loosefingers 12"s were.

no, didnt go, might go after work, will report back. good info reported
BT tho.
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