lol excellent report and glad you had a nice time, tristan sure does look
after folks ;0) ...

gotta see the pic of RT, ha ha classic!

> Now that I'm finally over my jetlag I'll try to recall the main points of
> my London vacation.  Trouble is I'm doing it after a week of Bristolian
> indulgences :-D
> First and foremost - Tristan was a great host.  A big thank you goes out
> to
> you sir.  If you ever need a place in Minneapolis you've got it.
> Now onto the story...
> Got in on Saturday morning around 9am - missing the Werk boat party the
> night before.  From what I heard it was good but not as good as last year.
> To make up for it we went to the Cntrl*Alt party at the Telegraph just
> around the corner from Tristan's flat.  Primarily an electro/IDM/breaks
> night.  The Telegraph (for those that haven't been there) is a Thai (?)
> restaurant/lounge with a big back room.  It wasn't much of a place before
> I
> was told but they've redone it with a bigger and better soundsystem and
> nicer decor.  They had a small dance floor in the main front room by the
> bar - small area but big enough to hop around.  Good mix of electro and
> drum & bass going on in there with Po-Ski, Shelley Parker, Abstrakt
> Knights, and others.  Ventured into the big back room early on but the
> sounds were of the wonky "funky breaks" kind so we hung out in the front
> until a little later when Point B came on.  Wow, that guy was fantastic.
> He was working off his laptop creating some unpredictable and surprising
> electro.  His music never fell into a rut but there was definitely a
> groove
> there.  Highly recommended.  From what I remember from the rest of the
> night - Radioactive Man sucked eggs.  Never heard him live before but I do
> have a mix tape of a live set from a few years ago and I swear that he
> played the exact same songs in the exact same sequence that night.
> Compared to the rest of the music that night he was 10 years behind.
> Can't
> believe this guy is a member of Two Loneswordsmen!  After that I think I
> lost it to some jungle/d&b in the front room and then again in the big
> room
> at the end of the night.  I think it was NoYeahNo that ended the night
> with
> f*cked up d&b noise in the Sh!tmat vein.  Loved it.
> Eh, then what....
> Lost on Sunday (loosing track of days already by this time).  Before that
> Tristan took me down to Co-Op @ Plastic People.  Tried to blag our way in
> since we were only going to be there for about a half-hour and we got
> there
> so early.  Didn't work but the price was worth it for me.  Can't wait to
> go
> back there again.  Thank you very much Tristan for taking me there!
> Brilliant club - DJs - soundsystem.  So clean and clear with super fat
> bass
> rumble.  Quite a small space but really the optimal size.  I can see how
> Co-Op can just go off.  Wooden dancefloor (actually don't think I didn't
> see anything else during my whole trip), wish more US clubs would install
> wood floors.  Who was playing.... uh, I think it was Daz-I-kue on the
> decks
> when we got downstairs and it was already bouncing like bumper cars.  The
> club had *just* opened.  I was immediately hoping around like a muppet and
> by the end of our half-hour visit had managed to soak through my t-shirt.
> Tristan pointed out Phil Asher when he arrived and I knew we were going to
> miss one hell of a night.  Ah well, I got an early taste of it and I can't
> get it off my mind.
> So, off to my first Lost experience.  Waited in line with Hanna and
> Tristan
> (Tristan was #1 by the way).  Seemed to take forever for them to get it
> together but once in the club was interesting to explore.  A good size
> space, multiple rooms, a bathroom attendant (lol).  What else could you
> ask
> for (maybe a better choice of liquor)?  Eh, so there was  a great big red
> cube in one room where no DJs were but some pleasant ambienty music was
> playing.  Followed people into the main room which was dark and already
> full of fog.  Now I know where they got the name Lost from.  Max Duley's
> set - really great mood setter for the night.  Slower deep techno put my
> head in the same dark space my body was in.  He later said he wasn't happy
> with it but I think everyone else was.  The rest of the night quickly
> became a blur.  Oliver Ho was on next and it was a seamless transition
> from
> Max to Oliver.  Didn't quite realize that Max was done.  Don't really
> remember much from Oliver's set except that I stayed on the floor except
> for the occasional run to the bar while there was still room to move.
> Steve Bicknell's set had me leaving the floor for the first and only time
> that night.  Wandered around into the front space which was set up into a
> huge lounge area.  Rhythm & Sound were kicking back with a fantastic mix
> of
> reggae/dub.  Stood around there for a while looking around for familiar
> faces as every sofa & chair was taken.  Finally found people sitting down
> behind me against the wall.  Chilled out there for a while and then went
> back in for Spirit/65D Mavericks and Jeff "Bells in 7" Mills.  Never heard
> Spirit before.  They were good but felt that something was lacking just a
> little bit.  They were working off laptop and as Tristan pointed out it
> seems like they were sequencing tracks like a basic DJ set instead of
> using
> all the tools and technology available to them in the laptop.  I don't
> think that was far off from what was preventing me from really getting
> into
> it.  They had their moments though.
> Jeff Mills - I was pretty mashed by this time so I can't recall specifics
> anymore.  I made a bet and lost.
> Ended the night back in the R&S room bopping on a floor that was sticky
> like fly paper.  That is until someone spilled a beer and then I could
> skank with the best (or worst) of them.
> That, my friends, is part one....
> next - the loot I found laying around in a record shop.
> PS - pictures of Rob Taylor shredding on the air guitar soon to arrive on
> my new Flickr page

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