Yea i have to agree..... Mike Huckaby was a big force behind alot of the
music at record time. When he called me a week or so ago to let me know he
was done there, i thought he was kidding at first. I hope Mike moves on to
better things. He really deserves it.

I know record time was never the end all be all record source, but i
picked up many gems out of that place. as well as met loads of people
there...I used to do mail order from record time back around 94 and have
alot of great records because of it. i loved those days.... I am sad that
they have packed the dance room up. alot of history there. but i guess its
just a sign of the times...or something...


> wow . . .
> I never did all that well shopping at RT but unquestionably it
> was a highlight of many of my visits to the D (I met Terrence
> Parker there for the first time in 1995, just to name one example),
> and a hugely important connecting point for those serious-about-
> the-music.  Plus it seems like at least half of y'all in town
> worked there one time or another :)
> Give it up for Mike Huckaby.  I hope he lands at a good spot.
> In my observation, nobody has done more than Mike to keep the
> music going.
> Fred

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