Seeing as how some of the posts relating to Record time seem to have gotten way 
off the mark, I thought it best that the truth be posted from Mike Himes(see 
below)...  and although it is a shame that Mike Huckaby is no longer with the 
company, it's a terrible insult to the really good people that still work 
there, and have been amazing music buyers for the company for many years to 
compare Record Time to Tower Records.  I've been buying music from Record Time 
Ferndale for many years now, and Vince Patricola and Matthew Boynton's 
knowledge of dance music has been invaluable to me.  Matt and Vince both know 
their music, and they work really hard to be a positive force in the Detroit 
scene, if you have any doubts, check out the Detroit Electronic Quarterly 
magazine.  It's a great example of what can be created if you have a positive 
attitude, and Vince is the creator of it.

So, to dissuade anymore of this getting out of hand... (and just so you know, I 
originally chose to shop in the Ferndale store because I preferred the 
layout... the Roseville store's seperated dance room felt way too elitist for 
my tastes... once I started shopping in the Ferndale store, I realised that the 
buyers and the staff are incredible with what they know).

a message from Mike Himes:

Recently we made the very tough decision to close the dance room and
put all product onto the sales floor as we have had success with in
Ferndale. I had been struggling with this decison for almost 2 years as
the room had been slowly losing sales and traffic. With this decision
came something that made total sense on paper and on a business level
but tore my heart as it was my baby and vision and had done so much for
us and the community it served. It's 2005 and the climate for dance
vinyl is changing fast and although it is hard I had to face the
writting on the wall and make the decision to close the room and move
forward. This meant that Mike Huckaby, a dedicated and respected
manager and DJ had to be let go.
In a perfect world the room would be there forever but today the way
people aquire music is changing fast and technology which was once my
friend is now taking business away from me at a rapid rate. The DJ in a
box craze is over, final scratch and the laptop DJ systems are used by
almost 50% of DJ's today and the "good" music has gone back
In the past 5 years 70% of all independent record stores have closed as
again music is being aquired in different ways that skip people like
me. I don't want to be part of that statistic so I must do what I have
to and unfortunately closing the dance room is a step I took to not be
included in that stat.
For 22 years I have been part of this community and our allegance to
the electronic music scene has not been equaled by anyone else and I
find it sad that people would think I would turn my back on something
that is so very special to me and this is why I am writting this note.
Some of my best friends and most cherished moments are from the work we
have done with and for this great music community. The dance room is
closed and things change but what will never change is my committment
to support our local scene especially the electronic scene.
We are planning on still carrying the music and supporting it and the
mail order business is still alive and busier than ever. 
 I guess that's all I have.
Thank you all for your support
Mike Himes

-----Original Message-----
From:   David Bate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent:   Tue 11/10/2005 17:03
To:     ''
Subject:        Re: (313) Record Time

Steward, Tim wrote:

>Not to be confused, Recordtime still sells vinyl
>They only moved the vinyl out of the dance room
>Into the main room.(There was always vinyl in the
>Main room, just not dance music). 

But also don't be confused that Mike Huckaby will NOT be the one ordering...
so it's great that they have vinyl, let's just hope they have the vinyl
that we want.
Tower Records has vinyl too... but it's not the vinyl that I want to buy...


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