> -----Original Message-----
> From: Guilherme M. Arantes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 15 October 2005 21:11
> > Eh?  I know you've been over here a while but if a native 
> don't know 
> > what hope have the rest of us got!
> I meant I also would like to hear the answers MEK got, since 
> he asked for off-list reply. Its good to hear what else 
> people have to say about your own city...
> So how was CC? Where you there?

Yeah he was pretty good - which was a relief as I had him down as a good DJ
based upon 4 previous gigs but then went to see him again at Leeds earlier
this year and he wasn't very good so I was doubting my previous judgements
as being just based on having a good night when he was playing.  As I think
I said in a 313 debate on the subject once I think he must just be very
However this week, after the Electric Souls party on Saturday night, I'm
more concerned with Henrik Schwarz who was amazing.  I've got to see this
man again.  Soon.
In fact I think I'll have to take this to the list as I want to tell the
world my opinion that this man is the real deal!

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