get the wamdue lp's on is called chris brann - ddepfall the other wamdue these branching moments...

both absolute gems....


Tristan Watkins wrote:

I've always loved Rising & Falling too:

Never heard 'tripping Among the Stars', but looks like I need to pick that up to bolster my Wamdue collection. The other Sound Patrol records are good, but never really pushed my buttons as much as Rising 7 Falling. Never heard Symbols & Instruments either. Downloading now. Must chime in that this looks well impressive.
Matt, count me in the ambient house fan club as well. I've recently got a bunch 
of my older stuff (which was all on CD) encoded on my computer, so I should 
start churning out some mixes with this older stuff before too long. I've been 
rediscovering a lot of it lately. What ever happened to that whole Beyond crew? 
I'd love to hear some never stuff from A Positive Life or Higher Intelligency. 
I mean, David Moufang's still trucking, and arguably improving, why not these 

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ----- Original Message ----- From: "Stoddard, Kamal" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "David Bate" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:40 PM
Subject: RE: (313) mix WNUR Chicago - Tag Team: Jack the Bleep

Heeey, "long as it's grooving, it's alright-ite-ite now." Sounds like a
decent definition to me. But I know what you mean though. :) and yeah,
you're right. I never knew what year organico started. I kinda always
felt that they were there longer than they were I guess. And tripping
among the stars (sans farina) was brilliant as well imo.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Bate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 12:32 PM
To: 313
Subject: Re: (313) mix WNUR Chicago - Tag Team: Jack the Bleep

It was definitely Mark Farina's first track, and most likely their first

tag team.

Network and KMS(1989) put this out before Organico(1993) knew what music

was (not that they ever really found out... )


Stoddard, Kamal wrote:

Symbols & Instruments - Mood [Optimistic mix] (KMS)

Wasn't this their (d.c., chris n. and mark f.'s) first record together
or was it one on organico? I'm pretty sure this is it though. Gorgeous
tunes matt and dave. Thanks again, been awhile since I said so.


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