more thursday night goodness

Medicine Bar, 89 Great Eastern St. Shoreditch EC2A3HX
Map: [url] [/url]
Every Thursday

Some of the guys from System, Dice People and Saiko have got together to bring a no holds barred night of tough electric funk, techno and house. This weekly promises to bring you world class DJs and the freshest new talent to the dancefloor. Residents: Colin Dale, Mark Broom ,Trevor Rockcliffe, Mark Williams, Steve Strawberry, Terry Mitchell

10th Novembers Lineup:

Oliver Ho (Meta)
Terry Mitchell (Primal Force)
Mark Broom (Pure Plastic)
Steve Strawberry (Tilted Disco)


free before 22:00 £5 door. £4 Students, £3 Mems
(free membership - email [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Any queries : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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