Medicine Bar, 89 Great Eastern St. Shoreditch EC2A3HX
Map: [url] [/url]
Every Thursday

Some of the guys from System, Dice People and Saiko have got together to bring a no holds barred night of tough electric funk, techno and house. This weekly promises to bring you world class DJs and the freshest new talent to the dancefloor. Residents: Colin Dale, Mark Broom ,Trevor Rockcliffe, Mark Williams, Steve Strawberry, Terry Mitchell

This weeks Lineup:

Martin Hare (Emetic, Tremors)
Chris Finke (Atomic Jam, Split, Flux)
Jamie Ball (Turning Point)
Colin Dale (Box)

kind of an afterparty for the extended John Peel day celebrations... Martyn Hare and Jamie Ball are playing semi live on Rob da Bank's show with the British Murder boys and then bringing their crew down to the club to carry on come on down if you're in town


free before 22:00 £5 door. £4 Students, £3 Mems
(free membership - email [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Any queries : [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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