There's a whigomy bros 12 that has a marvin gaye vox on one side, and a
track done with the JB's I'll house you on the other. The JB's remix is
dope as all git out. The best techno song with really prominent vocals
I've heard in awhile. And I mean technoooo. Banging bells at the end and
all. I love it. Plus I've always had a soft spot for those vox. Any
feelings (since we're on the subject of vocals in techno) about popular
vocals being jacked in techno? Pro's? con's? examples? I personally have
hated every recent dance remix of depeche mode, new order, and all the
rest, but this one does it for me. So I guess I'm a little divided on
the issue. Anyone? 

(Oh yeah, I guess I should mention, I hate everything the WB's have done
in the past year or two and have not got too much stomach left for the
genre actually)



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