Got a shed load in Amsterdam...  Guy in Rush hour is way cool...

Pick of the bunch

" Carl Craig releases on rush hour are pretty cool.....
a clear vinyl thingy on frustrated funk was probably my fav tune tbh
and an odd white label thing from Hardwax distribtion

Jason Brunton wrote:

Yeah- we've been trying to get Hartchef stuff in the UK but it's pretty hard to get.

Sutekh was someone I always placed in the Kit Clayton "hmmm, intersesting (strokes chin)....but not really" bracket. There are actually 2 Double albums of his remix work and they both have more than their fair share of brilliance


On 10 Nov 2005, at 13:44, fab. wrote:

hi jason,
i have an Audio Werner release on Hartchef which is also good, i cant remember the exact details but there was one track which i really rocked to (

and speaking of Sutekh remixes, an double cd just came out on Leaf with a collection of his remixes of Leaf artists which is well worth looking favourite is his remix of Murcof's Memoria. ( i actually i would recommend Sutekh in general, but i dont know if that's exactly your cup of tea.

take care mate,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jason Brunton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "313" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 09, 2005 10:51 PM
Subject: (313) New tooooooooooooooons!

Audio Werner- Just Dar It (Trapez ltd) never managed to track down any of the other Audio Werner tracks yet- this 2 track EP is excellent deep quirky Techno/House stuff

Sutekh remix on Mo's Ferry- can't find my copy at teh moment to get more info but if you can find this record I would highly recommend giving it a listen- I've never really taken to Sutekh before but this one (and his TWO albums of collected remixes which came out a couple of weeks ago) has really opened my eyes- it's incredibly well programmed material with stunning use of "non musical" noises over complicated ryhtyms,crazy edits AND it still bangs too!

Also really liking:

Dandy Jack on Perlon (not normally a label I buy much on either!)

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