To much ..

  I remember finding this site years ago as well .. and it pretty much hooked
  me on to 313 .. etc .

  What really excited me was people writing about Techno .. not just music
  and names .. and parties .. but someone writing about ideas behind the
  music .. and culture of Techno ..

  Even today no one really talks about Techno culture .. we talk about records
  and labels and dj .. and producers .. etc .. which makes the "culture"

  this site got me really interested because ' here was someone on the other
  side of the world .. drawing similar conclusions to me after getting involved
  in the music ..

  either it was some fluke of freak .. or the music really can communicate
  complex ideas ..

  " rhythmic coded tonal knowledge "

  I guess its all a bit hippy ravey to consider these concepts .. however if
  you look into where current research is taking us in terms of understanding
  the human brain .. and social communication .. etc  .. blah ..

  I for one still have a very strong relationship with the ideas that dancing
  and rhythm are really good ways for establishing community ..

  and beyond this practicing or experiencing .. ways of existing together

   .. .

  I used to be involved in large scale out door events .. for upward of 10'000
  people .. in hind site these were real interesting experiments into micro
  societies ..

  We tried to establish self sustaining fully recycling social environments ..
  and failed in rather spectacular ways ..  however these were safe places
  to experiment with new ideas ..

  city developers everyday try and push society in civilizations ' and fail
  but in rather unsafe ways .. getho dreams ..

  its interesting to note in my life .. that many of the people I used to party
  with `10 years ago .. are out in the community generally leading or working
  on a day to day basis to improve life, society, culture  ..

  while we do get hooked on the music . etc . etc ..

  I think the merits to techno always remain in the thinking commentary it
  provided .. it is always more than the party, or the weekend .. its about
  a way of life, or process of exploration into your environment ..

  its living in the future . with hope .. not dispare ..


  bah . so thanks .. wildteck . for pulling that out .. waking up my brain ..

  making connections into the past to save our future ..



Wildtek Concept / DJ Dimitri Pike wrote:
My insomnia is not bad at all... Browsing web and found one of the first
websites that generated my passion for Detroit... Not visited it since too much
time. All is there.

Are the guys behind still on this list ?

Dimitri Pike

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