This should be some sort of canned message I save and periodically
re-send, but I'm not that organized.

Anyway, here are some things you should know about the 313 list.

1. To subscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To
unsubscribe, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To subscribe
to the 313 digest, send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
To unsubscribe ... you get the idea.

2. Subscriptions are approved by me or a designated proxy. I have to
approve your subscription by sending an e-mail message to EZMLM.  I
usually get around to this within hours of your request -- sometimes
minutes. But there will be times when I won't get to it for a day or
so.  Sending 10 subscription requests won't get you 10 times as

3. Three things are the likely reason your posts don't go through
   A) They're multi-part MIME messages. Send your mail 'plain text'
and all will be will.
   B) They contain words considered obscene in the United States. You
can curse like
   a sailor so long as you do it in Portugese or Tagalog.
   C) You're sending e-mail from an account other than the one
actually subscribed to 313

4. Play nice. I don't want to be a cop.  Don't post anything you
wouldn't say out loud to the people you're addressing.

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