On 2/6/06, Christopher Davey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Interesting little article on space disco at pitchfork
> - http://pitchforkmedia.com/features/weekly/06-02-06-space-disco.shtml
> I have to admit to taking some guilty pleasure in recent Lindstrom
> and co tracks: they're always over-the-top, but have the right spirit.
> Any other recommendations?

im very skeptical of this stuff for the most part. the only stuff i
have by any of those guys is a couple on bearfunk (the brennan green
one, and the original and theo rmx 12"s of that dj kent cut) and the
ilya santana on balihu. something about the scandanavian stuff doesnt
do it for me at all. im especially tired of people going on about todd
terje, his tunes have all been overrated aside from his michael
jackson joint on gamm and that was not really all that stellar for the
attention it got. its funny that pitchfork is covering this stuff.


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