I sent this the other day, but I dont think it ever went through. If it did and youre getting this twice, I apologize. I edited out the swearing.... i think that was the problem.


I have a Frankie Bones story. It was like 1997 or 1998. I was working at Record Time then. He played a rave in Detroit and I went and it was like every 3rd record was the bomb, and the other 2 were.... not my thing. He came into RT the next day, and I asked him about some conga loop record he had played. He told me what it was, but after he left I had forgotten about it. A year or 2 later, I was booked to open for him at Motor. So, I emailed Sonic Groove and ordered some records a couple days before hoping he could bring the records to the gig for me. When he showed up, he looked at me, and said "cool. I thought that was you". He handed me the records I ordered, and another one. It was a bootleg that said "Happy song and dance", which I was told was an edit someone did years ago of an old Rare Earth tune..? Anyhow, I asked what it was, and he said "it's that conga loop record you asked about in the dance room a few years back. That ones on
the house".

Ive never been so excited by his DJing. And as a producer, Ive never heard him do anything that wasnt complete recyled or even just samples of hit techno records (DBX, Hawtin, Advent, etc.) with him adding... well, nothing. Ive never really liked much of the NuGroove stuff that Ive heard, anyways, so I cant speak for that. Aside from "Dangerous on the Dancefloor", I havent liked any of his productions, or if I would even call them "productions".

But I thought him bringing that record for me, some kid who he only THOUGHT he had met a couple years beforehand, and then not even charging me for it... I thought that was pretty darn cool, and Ive never had a bad thing to say about him since. Not to mention, since then, before I moved to NYC he even came out to see me a couple times when I played.....

And he even danced!

He might be a loudmoth and extremely opinionated, but he's got ALOT of heart and hes pure class in my book.

My $.02


On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 It sounds like what  you're saying is that it's ok for him to shoot his
 mouth and fabricate additional influences that aren't owed to him because
 of everything he *has* done.


             <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
             t.net>                                                     To
             03/04/06 08:25 AM                                          cc

                                       Re: (313) Re : (313) Frankie Bones

 ----- Original Message -----
 From: "Tristan Watkins"
>  I mean, how many people outside of the mid-Atlantic would actually go see
>  him if he were playing in your city tonight? How many people still follow
>  his music? I honestly don't know because he's never mattered to me in
>  sense, but I'm happy to take an interest if I've been missing out all
>  time.

 The music he's released since his heyday in the 80s isn't on par with that
 and again, it's dance tracks: for mixing, mostly: not 'home listening'.
 The point
 here isn't about what he's done lately, but what he has done versus what
 here claimed he'd not done.  It's easy to say, Frankie shoots his mouth off
 and fills his own balloon, because he has/does, but he has also done tons
 more for electronic dance music culture than those on this list that are
 shooting off
 their mouths slagging him, combined x1000.


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