seek wrote:

Someone/s should've given him more sh!t about that ridiculous arm-waving,
tongue-wagging, 'look at me, look at me' nonsense, as well.
Let's keep the focus on the music, not on the faces, *especially*
on the dancefloor.

The worst DJ antics I have ever seen came from Toronto's Chris Sheppard.
Growing up, I thought he must be OK because he remixed a Skinny Puppy
track (or maybe more than one).  And when I worked for 2 summers in
Whitby, Ontario to make $ for college (summers of '87 and '88) he did
a long Saturday night show on CFNY in which he played really great music and
a lot of custom edits he did. (Though a precursor to his fall from glory should
have been noticed when he began rapping "cocaine/cocaine for shep" (Shep
was his nickname) over Renegade Soundwaves "Cocaine Sex" and other
related antics. Didn't think anything of it at the time, cos I was just a young lad.

Well, fame (and likely the cocaine, too) went to his head, unfortunately,
and he started doing a nationally syndicated radio show that played nothing but absolute crap (Aqua, Will Smith, et al) and lending his name to related mix CDs (that had his name on them in HUGE print, but were mixed by a couple of people only mentioned in the small print) that had absolute crap (worse than the above) on them. He came to Halifax for a music conference as a "music industry person of note" who sat on the industry panel and acted an absolute and total ass the whole time: loud, obnoxious, wearing sunglasses the whole time (in a dark room), and smoking non-stop (in a non-smoking place). Later that night he "DJed"
at a local afterhours that had a lot of cred and it was amazing what he did
(amazing in a very bad way): he stood alongside a DJ (he brought from Toronto who
was not listed on the bill or announced) who lined up all his
mixes for him and he (Sheppard) would crossfade into the next song. He (Sheppard) never once
picked out a record, or put out on or took it off the turntable, or touched
the vinyl, or touched the pitch control, or anything.  That, for me, is
the epitome of someone-with-talent-in-his-early-years turning into a pathetic excuse for a DJ. Nothing like seeing the heroes of your early years prove to be such
degenerates in your older years, eh?
Anyone else?

Andrew "during a sinus cold seems the only thing I can do is trawl the internet" Duke

Andrew Duke
scoring/sound design/source
Cognition Audioworks label
[Andrew Duke, Foal, Clinker, Granny'Ark]

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