Spillin' your pint on this occasion will be: 

DJ PETE (a.k.a. SUBSTANCE - Scion / Chain Reaction / Hardwax) 
DYNAREC - LIVE (Delsin / Vaporwave / Digital Soul) 

Further provocation provided by resident turntable hooligans... 

The Outlet Collective, Nick Wilson & Lee Bolton 

Saturday 13th May 2006 @ A Secret East London Location 
Tickets £7 adv. only - Available via [EMAIL PROTECTED] or 07967 332 964 

The 'Fighting Talk'.... 

DJ PETE - Peter Kuschnereit is a man with a somewhat understated, yet deeply 
resonating influence on the electronic scene within Berlin and in turn modern 
dance electronic music across the globe. Most widely know for joining forces 
with sometime collaborator Rene Lowe (a.k.a. Vainquer) to form Scion, together 
they provided the landmark debut release for the legendary Basic Channel's 
sister-label, Chain Reaction (1995's 'Emerge'). The duo were later called upon 
by BC's Mark Ernestus & Moritz Von Oswald to represent the duo's many 
excursions into dubbed-out techno in the live arena; a calling which in turn 
resulted in their destroying dancefloors across the globe and also 2002's 
awesome 'Scion Arrange & Process Basic Channel' CD. 

Shortly after Scion's debut, Pete released a string of equally as compelling, 
solo recordings under the pseudonym Substance through CR which were then 
compiled in the form of 1997s stunning 'Session Elements' album. Remix work 
followed for the likes of Juan Atkins, and Central's The Memory Foundation (and 
more recently Robert Hood) cementing interest in his production work and the 
chance to release for Surgeon's Counterbalance imprint, yet again revealing a 
different side to his sound; this time under his DJ-Pete moniker. 

Despite a recording career that speaks for itself, it is fair to say that Pete 
is in fact just as renowned as one of the core members of staff at the mighty 
Hardwax in Berlin - without a doubt one of the worlds finest record stores - 
with the cream of electronic music passing through his hands on a daily basis, 
and it is with this in mind that we welcome him to The Ruck. 

DYNAREC - Having been honing his production skills since 1994, Dynarec 
eventually debuted on Holland's highly respected Delsin records with 2003's 
'R-Cam' - An e.p. which, whilst wearing it's influences on it's sleeve, across 
the 5 varied tracks, in turn set an agenda for extremely potent electronic funk 
with particularly high production values. Interest snowballed and further 
releases soon came in the form of an e.p. for Marco Passarannni's Nature 
imprint, the launch of Vaporwave - Dynarec's own label - with the fearsome 
'Eiso-X', followed by 'The Lost Souls' and the highly acclaimed LP 'Input User' 
(both once again for Delsin); all of which serving to further cement his 
reputation as a musical force to be reckoned with. 

With the 4th Vaporwave ready for release, remix work for CKal & Glasgow's Point 
One Recordings, last years stunning 'Legendary Days' (Kondi) still very much 
fresh in peoples minds AND (phew!) a 2nd LP forthcoming on Nature, Dynarec has 
somehow also taken time to develop some of the other aspects of his musical 
personality... With three 12"s under his belt as Chris Kalera, he explores the 
realms of techno and more pop orientated sounds and as Speakwave - his latest 
incarnation as debuted on last years 'Planet Delsin' LP - exposing listeners to 
recordings inspired by the motor-city soul of Detroit; recordings that have 
thus far gained such high acclaim as sounding "like Kenny Larkin in his 
prime"... Weighty praise indeed, which can only serve to further wet appetites 
for the imminent releases which include more tracks for Delsin and also an e.p. 
for Brighton's very own bastions of lush electronic sounds, Digital Soul 

Clearly a man currently on the crest of the wave of his boundless musical 
energy, it is with great anticipation that we look forward to the arrival of 
Dynarec for what should prove to be a must see live performance from an artist 
that's on the top of their game. 

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