From James Ruskin:

It is with great grief and sadness that we would like to inform you that Richard Polson suddenly and unexpectedly passed away last Thursday night due to natural causes.

It was a peaceful death and for this we are truly grateful. Richard touched so many people throughout his life, and the light that shone from within him will continue to lead us all.

We ask that you could please take a moment to remember this special human being, and to respect the pain that his family, girlfriend and friends are feeling at this extremely sad time.

Richard taught many people valuable lessons in life, respect, kindness, generosity and joy. He will never be forgotten by those who loved him, and we know his life will not have been in vein, as his spirit will live on amongst us all forever!

Richard was very much one of electronic musics' unsung heroes. A pioneer who preferred to let the music do the talking, he has helped shaped the face of British electronic music over the past twelve years. His music and spirit has inspired many others to continue his legacy for what he believed to be true and just: music uncluttered by ego and hype.

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