Hey folks

Just come back from a month in Cuba while you were all slugging it out in
the run up to the DEMF and then presumably just going anyway and having a
good time (catching up on those e-mails now).

While away I had a chance to catch up on a few mixes I transferred to
Among them was the first of the 2 Deep Space Radio shows from 94 that were
posted up here a while back.
In fact I know I've asked for one track ID already a couple of months back
(yes it took me since Sept. 2004 when these were posted to find enough time
to start listening to one and another 2 months to finish it, that's how
little time I seem to have for anything) and I intend to ask for another 2
or 3 when I can find time to cut out clips and post them up (never then) -
and if Alex can spare me from further humour ATTACKS.

However the subject line above prompted me to do an advance post on this as
one tune on the show I loved was by Nitzer Ebb and I think called something
like "When You Smile You Can't Take It Back".  I've never been grabbed by
one of their tracks before, I think maybe I'm not partial to their vocalist
and so know nothing about them despite the fact I know some of their tracks
(what's the one that's always on the Ibiza [80s] classics albums -"Join The
Chant" or another?) are rated as seminal stuff.  The funny thing was just
after I was thinking "wow that really has a lovely techy feel, I'd like to
get it" Rob Hood phoned into the station and complained he thought they were
a techno show and what were they playing industrial for?!

So what I'd really like to know (from those in the know) is - was there ever
an instrumental mix of this track and if so on what release (I'm afraid I
still have a problem with the singing though I guess I'd go for the version
I heard if there was no instrumental).


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