Just a quick account of the last couple of days here in Glasgow- similar to the exhibition we hosted last year, we stripped down the "technology" part of the shop and gave it over to Abdul Haqq's prints from his 3rd Earth company covering everything from the Intergalactic Beats material for Retroactive back in the day through Red Planet and on to Timeline and the more modern UR stuff- after a venue let us down we also decided to show the IF2 documentary in the shop on the Friday night- things got pretty packed but the beers were flowing and it was a really good atmosphere- Haqq, Buzz and Jit were all there to "meet the people".

The documentary has a very "home brew", rough and ready feel but has moments of great inspiration throughout and some fine insights into the background of the music and producers from Detroit- European peepz can pick it up as part of the IF2 CD Double pack (Japanese import has it too).

The party at the Soundhaus on the Saturday night was one of the most incredible I've been to in recent years- the venue was at maximum capacity and there was sweat running down the walls by 1 AM- I've seen Buzz Goree a few times but on this occasion he took control of the crowd in a way I've not seen for an age- it was a blistering assault of heavy Techno most of which I didn't know, peppered with the odd UR back cat numbers all of which got a severe working over through the filters and EQ on the mixer (Buzz played the EQ like Theo does but at a much more frantic and exciting pace) and the odd moment of joyous uplifting stuff to ease the pain a little.

James Pennington managed to hold his own for an hour or so afterwards bringing things down at first with some excellent jackin House/Techno hybrid stuff before going pretty crazy himself- Buzz came back and did the last hour, never seeming to run out of steam and keeping the entire crowd in the palm of his hand until the lights came on at 5- the place was still completely rammed, Haqq was jumping about like crazy on the stage and everybody went home exhausted and completely blown away. I can't go into details about the afterparty for fear of legal action but it didn't get any less crazy there either.

Just when you think you know all about UR and Techno......along comes a right hard slap in the face to wake you up again!!!

Sunday night was a big curry-fest round at mine with only Jit refraining due to having tried a Vindaloo the day before and being slightly shell-shocked by the experience :) I think Buzz summed the weekend up nicely on the way out the door: "Mission accomplished".

Long live Techno (and curry!)



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