I can't send it here because 313 doesn't allow attachments,
but I took a very cool photo of the outside of Xochi's last year
the night before the festival opened when the sun was setting
and the sky was just amazing.  it kind of captures the whole
Xochi experience for me :)  It's just a cellphone pic but it's
cool.  . . .



>Damn! Xochi's! Now i'd k*ll, cr*sh and D*stroy to get back over there
>for some of that sweet, sweet food!
>Anyone want to book a Southern Outpost tour to Detroit ;) Payment is
>all I can eat Xochi's and that killer 20+ hour flight ;)
>Southern Outpost - Sydney.
>Distribution: Clone, NL.
>Infiltrating your sound systems.
>>  Homeboy exploded
>> at Xochi's in Mexicantown as I was biting into my
>> first delicious steak fajita.

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