Hey, I didn't want to interfere in all this, but in Fred's defense, he never insulted Tom's kid. He only attacked Tom about his mental state (and I happen to agree with him), being in such a bad shape he would run the risk of his kid getting taken away from him by the authorities or something along those lines. I agree that's harsh, but Tom's not exactly in need of pity here and if anything is not insulting to Tom's kid, but Tom himself.

On 27-aug-2006, at 21:56PM, J.T. wrote:

Re: my approach to Tom.

Take a look at the Stephen Colbert roasting of George W. Bush earlier this year. Pretty low brow humor probably by your analysis J.T. but I loved it.

no way man i loved that, and it was obviously over the heads of most attending! i think you are reaching to compare steven colbert's political humour to your way-too-personal-and-vengeful insulting of tom's children and mental health, but maybe in person you would've inflected your words just right...

You are right about the BS aspect of PR. I was constantly surprised how Jeff Mills and Rich came off in a lot of interviews as their fame increased. Much differently than their personalities as human beings.

see that's what i would think....and even if tom is shooting flames out his nostrils etc expressing his distaste for (over-exposed/ hyped techno celebrity here), i think he responds to reason at least as well or better than insulting his kids and intelligence etc...he's just shooting the sh;t...

too much macho

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