Sydney is the capital of cheesy house. ;) Real cheesy house, that is. Simon on the list is up on the cool underground stuff in Sydney. Funny cos Sydney's mainstream is now defined by the Bang Gang electro- house mash-up posse and I recall meeting BG's Dangerous Dan down here years back and teasing him all night about his headwear... then a few years on I see him profiled in Vanity Fair as part of the million dollar Tsubi jeans empire. Talk about eating my hat... Look out for Modular events. They're showcasing some interesting acts - Presets, Midnight Juggernauts, Cut Copy, etc. Critics may dismiss it as too fashion-based but they should look beyond that.

On 01/09/2006, at 3:22 PM, ed612313 wrote:

Hey peoples.
Ive decided to add some cheesy house to my vinyl collection. Terrence Parker styles:)
Anyone recommend any good online stores?
Ive hit up opusrecords once. They seem to be preety good
Trying to get hold of a few shaun escoffery records, bucketheadz, erro, DJ Disciple,SARA DEVINE/LOUIE VEGA SPECIAL. etc
Any ideas????
ps anyone who gotr back to me about my "whats hapening in sydney" question, thanks. I meant to write back but my sister deleted all the messages so sorry

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