Excellent blog post...and photos, too?  Oh my.  Thanks for that.  Your
review makes me upset about missing their Chicago performance this past
Sunday.  :(  Apparat "live" sets have always been a pleasure.  Now I wish I
had been there.  booooo

On 9/6/06 9:00 AM, "chthonic streams" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> well it's not detroit tchno, but all techno originates from detroit right?
> then somehow made it over to berlin where people like ellen allien take it in
> similar but unique directions.
> so in the spirit of trying to post something actually about techno, here's a
> blog post i just put up about the show i saw last thursday:
> http://echoplex.blogspot.com/2006/09/two-hearts-beat-as-one.html
> if you check the archives, i've written about some other shows like audion
> that might be of interest to people here.
> d.

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