so i've been sent by my company based here in london to attend The
Third Coast International Audio Festival (TCIAF) next thursday and
friday the 26th 27th in Chicago.
now i've not been to the Windy City before, infact neither have i been
to the US! but i would be interested in going out one night or two,
and in doing some digging and if possible meeting up with any kindred
spirits who can hold my hand for a few hours. (!?)
i'll be arriving on wednesday afternoon, and staying at the same hotel
as the conference- Hotel Orrington, but won't be leaving until sunday
so am thinking a trip to dusty groove at least on saturday is
essential (although i worry about getting caught in there all day!).
if anyone has any recommendations as to vinyl haunts, restaurants,
clubs / club nights or dj's playing over those dates that are worth
checking please let me know. i'm wide open to suggestion.
who knows maybe one of you might also be attending the conference
even, or know folk that are perhaps ?

all responses welcome and greatfully received!



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