Has the new Haiman been mentioned on the list yet?
It really, really should be. Louis has outdone himself. Deep, lush Detroity-techno. I know Chris Schubert's debut was discussed briefly (redefines 'pop-ambient' with -imho- great success) and I wholeheartedly agree with the positive assessments.
Fwdthought is really dishing up some lovely music.
Big 'hats-off' to Mr. Haiman.
And while I'm at it, Bill VanLoo's "Chromedecay pt.2" is a really fine piece of work as well. It's not straight 313, but has 2 really fine, deep, pure-this-listy tracks on it which will make you salivate - along with the rest of his work, which moves through other genres, but is definitely a worthy acquisition.


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