On Sun, Nov 26, 2006 at 03:18:32PM -0600, kent williams wrote:
> When I play live, I want tools that I don't need to look at in order
> to manipulate.  Hence fader boxes and keyboards are better for me than
> something like this.  I really like taking my basket of hand
> percussion too, because it means I'm actually using my body, and not
> just my eyes.

I meant using the virtual reality control, not the holografic
image/visualisation thing (although that would be cool, too, however
pretty far away from our current technology). Think of rewinding and 
cueing the next track(s) just by moving your hands circularly 
(counter)clockwise, just like vinyl, but without touching anything...


> >I saw this MIT thing as well (because it was running some linux stuff
> >I
> >was interested)... Anyway, what all we digital boys are looking for
> >to
> >control their music live is something like that system Tom Cruise had
> >to
> >control/scan/rewind/play the images in Minority Report, isn't it!?!


Guilherme Menegon Arantes, PhD       Sao Paulo, Brasil

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