same here...  driving 800 miles in two days took its toll on me....
it was definitely worth it though!!  :)

On 11/28/06, marina pure sonik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
too much fun.  i'm still reeling from it.  :::sigh:::  LOL

On Nov 28, 2006, at 3:45 PM, Thomas D. Cox, Jr. wrote:

> sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiit. these
> sound like way too much fun!
> tom
> On 11/28/06, Wojtek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> So the Wizard killed it this past weekend, in one of his few
>> stateside
>> appearances, both of which happened to be within driving distance of
>> where I live.
>> His three-and-a-half hour show in LA started with the fast-paced
>> "Call
>> of the Wild", and continued with other pacey techno tracks, with a
>> nice sprinkling of a few of tracks from Minimal Nation for good
>> measure.  About a third of the way into his set, Jeff started playing
>> various classics and old school goodies.  As Marina said before
>> me, he
>> played "Work it To the Bone", Chip E.'s stuff, and then, he started
>> playing Detroit classics!  After he transitioned into playing the
>> older tracks, he dropped Reese and Santonio's "How to Play Our Music"
>> and the place went wild!  He then went on to jam on the 909 for a
>> bit,
>> and continued with obscure acid and early Detroit techno.  One of the
>> highlights of the Detroit part of his set was the way he programmed a
>> slightly syncopated 909 beat and blended X-Ray's "Let's Go" into it
>> and kept the two going for the duration of the track!
>> In that night's show alone I heard more Detroit classics than all of
>> the other Detroit dj's I've heard combined!  (yes, he dropped Strings
>> of Life and Jaguar, too, the timing of which worked very well,
>> though).  It truly was an enjoyable show for anyone who's into the
>> harder side of techno, and definitely a treat for anyone who enjoys
>> classic Detroit techno, made even more enjoyable by the fact that he
>> played late 80's Chicago acid alongside some New York house classics
>> like the above mentioned "Work It to the Bone" and an instrumental
>> version of "Searchin'" on Nu Groove, for added musical context.  If
>> all those Detroit and Chicago classics weren't enough, he also played
>> a a version of Basic Channel's Phylyps Trak (the track called
>> Axis, on
>> the Phylyps Trak ep) alongside the more straight ahead techno, and
>> that had just sealed the deal for me as probably the best techno show
>> I've ever seen; along with Mills' next day appearance a few hundred
>> miles up the road in San Francisco.
>> His saturday gig was also on point.  He played the 909 live (again),
>> along with a little sample he played off a cd that sounded like a
>> repeating ping-pong noise (which he also incorporated into the set he
>> played the night before).  He layered that over the somewhat minimal,
>> introspective, or just plain old Mills-y-sounding tracks at a few
>> points throughout the evening, to a good effect.
>> Now, just to keep us old school Detroit fans happy, he even dropped
>> Derrick May's Wiggin' (in its original version, alongside the New
>> York
>> and Chicago classics he played the previous night) before moving
>> on to
>> the harder Tresor stuff; however, the classics focus that night was
>> definitely on the Tresor side of the Berlin-Detroit connection.  He
>> played quite a few tracks from the x-102 and x-103 albums, a few Rob
>> Hood tracks, and towards the end he even dropped Maurizio's
>> hard-as-nails Ploy, which to me was the summit of the evening, making
>> the the energy at the venue feel like what I would imagine the old
>> Tresor club in its heyday to have felt like.  A few tracks from
>> Minimal Nation were there too--just like during his LA show, and the
>> musical selection was kept current by some newer techno tracks by
>> Sleeparchive and a Joris Voorn track (from the newer tracks that I
>> recognized).   Apparently he also "did something amazing" with a
>> Basic
>> Channel track at the SF show, but I got there too late to witness it.
>> I don't know if these two shows are representative of how Mills plays
>> now, but if he usually plays with this much intensity, creativity and
>> variety nowadays (as opposed to some of his recorded minimal/loopy
>> techno sets I've heard in the past), then he has my vote as the
>> world's best techno DJ/live act (oh, the live 909 action...)  These
>> were by far the best techno shows I've experienced.
>> Wojtek
>> P.S.  For those interested, he has a new album coming out in January
>> On 11/26/06, Wojtek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Mills ROCKED IT in both LA and SF this weekend!!    It really was a
>> > techno lovers'/313ers' heaven at both shows.  A longer review will
>> > follow.
>> >
>> > Wojtek
>> >

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