First- big cheers to Bethany. I always greatly value
your input on here. 

 What's happening in Detroit? I feel like the one I
grew up with got sucked up and replaced.

 First, running any small business is HARD. The first
five years are the roughest. I was at Oslo once and
from what I remember it was a really great venue. A
throw back to the dark days... when a venue didn't
require a light show, a meat head bouncer and a half
dressed bar sl*t. Sure this vauguely describes
St.Andrews...but at least it was still a dive in a lot
of ways.I hope this is a lesson learned and better
luck next time...

 I think I miss the old Detroit. The one sans the new
and shiny stadiums and casinos.The one that has more
big, painted dots around and less overpriced lofts.
The one that (from what I hear) has the marked up
parking lots and the cheezy cheezier night clubs. It's
almost like the kid who tries too hard in school and
just winds up sitting alone.

 I'm all for progress but maybe in a _slightly_
different direction.???

 just my .10 
(always worth slightly more in Canada and even less in
the EU)


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