I performed a LivePA in Detroit for new years at Forans Irish Pub... If you've ever been to DEMF and needed to escape the heat/rain/people usually it's the first bar that's open along the street....

Response to my performance at the show was really positive so when I got back after new years I tried to recapture it and recorded a version of it. I posted it online and wanted to share it with my fellow 313'rs who might enjoy it as a nice distraction. (especially in reference to teh What happened to rhythms)

Give it a listen from this URL:

I built the PA using an MPC4000 and a Nord Modular... for a mixer I used the Stanton SA-5 mixer.. which was/is all I have for a small mixer. You ran read more about on http://Lx7.ca or check out the podcast where I show how I used the MPC to perform it.

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