I was wondering about that.  If they were doing well then I wouldn't see
why they couldn't just find a new location.
That said, one of our best shops closed up last year because the block they
were on was re-zoned by the city so that a hi-rise condo could take over.
The owner offered the business to the employees but nobody would take it.
The city even offered to find the store a new location but the owner
decided to close.  Really sad because it's left us with only one specialist
dance shop and they blow chunks.


theREALmxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 01/29/2007 08:03:46

> This is 2nd hand, but rumor is they're only relocating.
> A friend of mine says he overheard the owner talking about a new
> location when he was in there.
> He also said it was only a small portion of the dance music which was a
> buck (indicating that it wasn't an all-out stock liquidation move).
> It's a long way from my front door, so I have no firsthand news.
>          jeff
> > That's a real shame, used to go all the time when I was staying out
> > there.  Bought my first ever Shake record there iirc...
> >
> >> A shame, as I was planning to return their on my next trip...
> >>
> >> N
> >>>
> >>> San Francisco music buyers should go check out Open Mind Music on
> >>> divisadero it is only going to be open for the next 2 days...

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