"lol, Live is absolutely inappropriate for mastering tracks."

It might not be the normal choice but there are no reasons why it can't be

"Unless you are using unstretched WAVs, your output from live is going to
sound degraded."

For sure. ANY stretching algorithms will have an effect of the original
material.  Btw, I used to always turn Warping off in Live unless I was
actually warping the track; I assumed that just having warping activated
would immediately effect the audio.  However, this is not necessary - you
can leave warping on without actually putting the audio through the time
stretching engine.  Live is actually clever enough to only use the
stretching engine when necessary.  So, unless you are changing the tempo or
moving the warp markers, there will be no quality loss even with Warping
turned on.

Pretty cool really..

PS: I still turn warping off unless I need it :-)

www.punkdisco.co.uk/Music/Wot.mp3 - New annoying track
www.myspace.com/punkdisco - Zero content, more pictures

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