I've heard a selection of the tracks and there are some absolute corkers, including some stuff that is maybe a step away from what people might expect from a Beatdown compilation. Don't want to spoil the surprise so I'll limit myself to saying that the first one has a track by Smith & Hall (Delano and Derwin Hall) that has potential to be pretty big in a Bar-A-Thym kind of way. I really like it.

In related good news, Mike Clark is back in the studio.

On 7 Feb 2007, at 16:14, robin wrote:

So, Third Ear are about to release this soon aren't they? In 5 eps throughout the year, any sign of the first? And is it any good?

While we're talking Third Ear, interesting view on DRM on their myspace too:

http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm? fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=75423455&blogID=143640378&MyToken=fcc2bd4 7-d55f-4a51-9da9-0ab4eb3ee71a


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