> On 2/8/07, darnistle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> You guys are much too harsh on it.  The track isn't that bad.  Not exactly
>> earth shattering, but its fine as background music.
> for me at least, its the quality of his earlier material that makes me
so harshly critical of it. if he was just some joker from the
> beginning, i wouldnt even have listened to this tune! but the man was at
one time truly gifted in the art of making some beautiful melodic
techno. and now hes not.
> tmo

"if he was just some joker from the beginning..."

This is where we part ways, 'cause almost everything of his sounds half
baked to me, except for "Headhunter".

I will give him credit for having a nice, rich sound that does sound
pretty at times.

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