on the buttrich tip
i'm not a self declared fan
but i do very very like his remix for tracey horn
the man brings the synth all in


Thomas D. Cox, Jr. schreef:

Full Clip by Martin Buttrich is very very ace for me!
one piece of beautiful crafted music - one of my fave releases of the
last year

i bought it based on the clips i heard on his myspace when someone
posted about it here. upon receiving it, i realised that it was just
not my kind of record at all. im actually pretty stunned at how well
received it has been. if i could get any $ for selling it, i would.

didn't yet hear the Lazy Fat People EP
but apart from that, I'm very happy to see Planet E releasing
(new/upcoming) other artists
let the talents flow

yeah it is definitely a good thing. now he just needs to find someone
as good as recloose was!


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