As a list admin it's kinda stupid of me to put up OT posts, but
believe me I'll punish myself severely after I press send.  Wait that
didn't sound right ...

Anyhow, I know 313-listers aren't all part of the Oontz Oontz
monoculture and listen to other stuff, so for something completely

I recorded this last night, so it's super-fresh. Evan Miller plays
acoustic guitar in the grand tradition of people like John Fahey,
Robbie Basho, and Leo Kottke.   I'm really happy with both the quality
of the recording and with Evan's performance.

If anyone wants to do the techno remix, knock yourself out, just hit
me off with a copy so I can give it to Evan.

By the way, the Hall Mall is a unique place  -- originally a bunch of
offices arranged around a long hallway, it now houses a bunch of small
independent shops -- head shop, tatoo parlor, used record store,
home-made clothing, zine publisher etc.   It's becoming my favorite
venue, both because of great acoustics and funky atmosphere.  Since it
isn't a bar, it's all ages, but grown ups can bring their own bottle.
Very convivial and fun, and I've seen fantastic shows there.

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